Free Hosting for
Your WordPress Website
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About Our Services
Free Hosting
Getting free web hosting is the perfect solution for your first website. You can use it to install WordPress, Joomla, or to learn the basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Our first free web hosting website was We started it in 2003, and to this day we continue to offer free hosting. And the best part is that you can use it forever.
Learn MoreShared Hosting
Shared Hosting is a great solution if you are ready to create your own website, to start a small business, a business card website or you are looking for a way to show off your project portfolios. is offering the opportunity to start with a smaller plan and to upgrade whenever you feel ready.
Learn MoreSemi-Dedicated Hosting
Our Semi-Dedicated hosting plans are for massive projects. Websites that are expecting a large amount of traffic or already have reached such level, sites with a lot of pages, and functionalities. A Semi-Dedicated hosting plan is the best hosting solution for an online shop – both local and global.
Learn MoreVirtual Servers
The virtual servers are for those that feel the need for more control over their hosting environment. While our company manages the shared hosting, when it comes to a Virtual Server, you have the freedom to use the whole server space, along with all of its resources. The virtual server (VPS), also known as Cloud Server, is entirely dedicated to your needs.
Learn MoreWordPress Hosting
WordPress is the most famous and installed content management system (CMS) in the world. That’s because the system gives the users an environment that makes website creation easy. By using WordPress, everyone can create a personal blog or any other type of website. The WordPress hosting service of is, in its essence, a shared hosting, that is optimized to support WordPress. The WordPress hosting service we’ve created is for those of you that are about to create their websites using WordPress.
Learn MoreFree Reseller Hosting
For those of you that are more entrepreneurially oriented, offers a free reseller hosting platform. With our hosting reseller program, you can start building your own hosting brand within minutes. The service is absolutely free. Not only that, but it is also easy, effortless, and doesn’t require technical skills. With our turnkey ready web hosting templates, your own hosting company can be up and running in the next hour.
Learn MoreDomains
The address where people will find your new website is called a domain name. Every site needs one to be available on the Internet. offers a variety of the so-called TLD (.com, .eu, .org, and etc.). Some of our web hosting plans include a free domain name for life.
Learn MoreSSL Certificates
As a host of the visitors to your website, it is important for you to take care of the safety of their data. One of the easiest ways to ensure that is the connection of your site and its users to be encrypted. This is the main function of the SSL certificate.
Learn MoreБезплатен хостинг
Безплатният хостинг е перфектно решение за твоя първи сайт. Можеш да използваш платформата ни, за да инсталираш WordPress, Joomla или да научиш основите на HTML, CSS, JavaScript и PHP. Разбира се, можеш да ползваш безплатния хостинг за своя личен блог. Най-хубавото на безплатната ни услуга е, че можеш да я ползваш завинаги.
Виж повечеСподелен хостинг
Ако се чувстваш готов да създадеш своя сайт, да стартираш малък бизнес, сайт визитка или търсиш начин да покажеш своето портфолио от проекти, споделеният хостинг е решението, от което имаш нужда. ти предоставя възможността да започнеш с по-малък план и да надградиш, когато решиш, че това е необходимо.
Виж повечеSemi-Dedicated хостинг
Semi-Dedicated планът е за наистина големи проекти. Сайтове, които очакват или имат много трафик, много страници и много функционалности. Този хостинг план е най-подходящото решение за онлайн магазини - както насочени към българския пазар, така и за тези, които са се прицелили в по-глобалната публика.
Виж повечеВиртуални сървъри
Виртуалните сървъри са за онези, които имат нужда от повече контрол над своята хостинг среда. Докато споделеният хостинг се менажира от хостинг компанията, то при избора на Виртуален сървър, ще получиш свободата да използваш цялото сървърно пространство, заедно с всичките му ресурси. Вируталният сървър, наричан още Cloud, ще бъде отделен (dedicated) изцяло на твоите нужди.
Виж повечеWordPress хостинг
WordPress е най-известната и инсталирана система за управление на съдържание (CMS). Това е така, тъй като системата създава лесна за възприемане среда, в която всеки може да създаде свой личен блог или друг вид уебсайт. WordPress хостинг услугата на е в същината си споделен хостинг, който е оптимизиран да поддържа WordPress. WordPress хостинга създадохме именно за онези от вас, които искат да направят своя сайт, използвайки WordPress.
Виж повечеИзработка на уебсайт
Не всеки има уменията да създаде свой уебсайт. Не всеки трябва да има тези умения. Повечето от нас дори нямат време да започнат да учат. Имаме кариери, много различни от уеб пространството. Технологията, обаче, навлиза все по-бързо и във все повече сфери на нашия живот. Шансовете да имаш нужда от уебсайт са много големи. Позволи на нашия екип от специалисти да изградят твоя уебсайт, докато ти се посвещаваш на бизнеса си.
Виж повечеДомейн
Адресът, на който хората ще намират новия ти сайт, се нарича домейн. Всеки сайт има нужда от такъв, за да бъде достъпен в интернет. предлага разнообразен набор от т.нар. TLD (.com, .eu, .org и т.н.). Някои от нашите хостинг планове включват безплатен домейн.
Виж повечеSSL Сертификат
Като домакин на посетителите на твоя сайт, е небходимо да се погрижиш за сигурността на техните данни. Един от най-лесните начини да постигнеш това е връзката между твоя сайт и потребителите му да бъде криптирана. Основната функция на SSL сертификатът е именно тази.
Виж повечеGet Web Hosting with Unlimited Bandwidth
Zetta Free
FREE Hosting Plan
- 1000 MB Disk Space
- 5 GB Monthly Traffic
- 1 Domains Hosting
- PHP 5 / 7 / 8, Perl
- 24/7 Support
- 1000 MB Disk Space
- 5 GB Monthly Traffic
- 1 Hosted Domain
- 3 Subdomains
- 1 MySQL Database
- PHP 7, Perl
- 24/7 Technical Support
Zetta Personal
Personal Hosting Plan
- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Monthly Traffic
- 2 Domains Hosting
- MySQL, PostgreSQL
- PHP 5 / 7 / 8, Perl
- 1 FREE domain for 1 year
- 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
- 24/7 Support
- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Мonthly Тraffic
- 2 Hosted Domains
- 5 Subdomains
- 1 FREE Domain for 1 year
- 7 MySQL Databases
- PHP 7, Perl
- 30 day money-back guarantee
- 24/7 Technical Support
Zetta Business
Business Hosting Plan
- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Monthly Traffic
- Unlimited Domains Hosting
- MySQL, PostgreSQL
- PHP 5 / 7 / 8, Perl
- 1 FREE domain for life
- 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
- 24/7 Support
- Unlimited Disk Space
- Unlimited Мonthly Тraffic
- Unlimited Hosted Domains
- Unlimited Subdomains
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- PHP 7, Perl
- 1 FREE Forever Domain
- 30 day money-back guarantee
- 24/7 Technical Support
Shared Web Hosting Full Features
Website Management
Email Features
Scripting & Databases
Website Statistics
OS, Connectivity & Security
Zacky App Installer
Customer Care
Features | FREE Hosting Plan | Personal Hosting Plan | Business Hosting Plan |
Activation Fee is the fee you are paying for initial web hosting account creation and setup. Activation Fee | $0.00$0.000.00€0.00€£0.00£0.00 | $0.00$0.000.00€0.00€£0.00£0.00 | $0.00$0.000.00€0.00€£0.00£0.00 |
Monthly Price is the fee you pay per month for your hosting service with us. Monthly Price | $0.00$0.000.00€0.00€£0.00£0.00 | $2.00$2.402.00€2.40€£2.00£2.40 | $3.99$4.793.49€4.19€£2.99£3.59 |
Promo Price is the promotional price for a new signup. Promo Price (12 months) | $0.00$0.000.00€0.00€£0.00£0.00 | $24.00$28.8024.00€28.80€£24.00£28.80 | $47.88$57.4641.88€50.26€£35.88£43.06 |
Regular Price may differ depending on the selected renewal period. Regular Price (12 months) | $0.00$0.000.00€0.00€£0.00£0.00 | $59.88$71.8647.88€57.46€£38.88£46.66 | $95.88$115.0677.88€93.46€£66.88£80.26 |
Order | Order | Order |
24/7 Technical Support
Free Domain*
Firewall Protected
High-Quality servers
30-day Money-Back Guarantee**
* A few of our web hosting plans allow you to register a free forever TLD domain (.com, .org, .eu).
**We will refund your hosting service fee. When you register a domain, you will retain your rights to it without being refunded.
Zetta Free in Details
No Ads
The free hosting service that offers is genuinely free. Your website(s) are all yours, and we’ll never place any ads on them.
Professional Email
To be able to communicate with clients and partners, with our free hosting, you’ll have the opportunity to create an email of the type
Host One Domain for Free
If you already have a TLD (.com. .org, .net, etc.) or any other type of domain, you can use it with our free web hosting service.
Disk Space
With our Zetta Free plan, you’ll get 1GB of Disk Space. This storage is more than enough for one website.
High-Speed Performance
The visitors of your website will never know that you are using free hosting service. Your pages will load fast and easy, thanks to our powerful servers, located in Kiel, Germany.
Technical Support
We are always online. You can always count on quality technical support service, even in 2 after midnight. Contact us any time.
Build your own website easily using our complete spectrum of additional services
10+ Free Script Installs
Free Joomla & WordPress Templates
Our Zacky Joomla & WordPress Installer Wizard has hundreds of free Joomla and WordPress templates to choose from. It is a special installer only for Joomla and WordPress that offers most of the additional plugins you can install for these platforms.
Technical Support
If you have any problems with your website – let us know. Our Technical Support team can be contacted only via our ticket system and guarantees response in less than 1 hour even on holidays. We have a hierarchic support structure with over 8 departments.
In-house Developed Hosting Panel
Domain WHOIS Protection
Apart from our paid shared and free website hosting, VPS hosting, Semi-dedicated hosting & SSL certificates we offer Domain WHOIS ProtectionDomain Privacy Protection, which is a service that hides your domain registrant public personal information including name, address, phone and email.