ASP.NET is a software framework designed especially for the easy creation of websites and various web applications. ASPNET allows programmers to use any of the .NET languages (CLI languages) to make their sites. You can easily use .NET languages in the ASPNET framework and they will work together without any problems. Of course, you can freely use any of the popular script languages for your web applications as well: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. The ASPNET framework has been developed by Microsoft and released in 2002. ASP.NET employs pre-made controls that you can use simply by automatically implementing them in the page. With the ASPNET controls, you can easily apply forms, tables, buttons, calendars and all kinds of interactive features. You can change their properties, events, and methods freely and create custom ASPNET controls if you want. The creation of websites with ASP.NET is also simplified by the extensive controls and classes libraries available.
ASPNET Web Forms & ASPNET Pages
Using the ASPNET framework, you can build a wide range of web applications, even desktop and distributed applications using all supported .NET languages (more than 20). You can use a few programming models to generate various ASPNETapplications: ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET Web Pages or ASP.NET MVC(Model-View-Controller). The ASP.NET Pages framework lets you create dynamic HTML web pages, which provide much more capabilities than the regular HTML pages, which are static. ASP.NET Web Forms help you to create web pages that are executed on the server and use server controls and code. ASP.NET Forms supports AJAX, allow you to perform various tasks with the help of various .NET languages and the rich library of server ASPNET controls.