The .BE country code Top Level Domain was activated in 1989 and it was introduced as the official ccTLD for Belgium. The domain is managed and sponsored by the non-profit organization DNS Belgium. There are more than 1 million .BE domain names registered. Domain names with .BE ccTLDs are registered as Second Level Domain Names, but some academic institutions in Belgium register their names as Third Level Domains with the extension
.BE Registration & Use
The .BE is a country-code Top-Level Domain that’s very popular and widely used in Belgium and it may be used for any companies or institutions based in the country or associated with it. However, there are no .BE registration restrictions and anyone who’d like to register a .BE domain is free to do so. For that reason the .BE extension is often used to form phrases or brand names. This gives you the opportunity to create a unique and original address for your website. This advantage of the .BE domain is used for short YouTube URLs with domain instead of