
Mailing List

The mailing list is one of the essential email features that simplify your work, education or email marketing projects by enabling you to easily send identical email messages to groups of your...

Email Antivirus Protection

SPAM and viruses are the two evils of all email systems. Everyone hates mailboxes crammed with SPAM messages and getting a virus on any computer is commonly done via the user’s email account. That...

Email Autoresponder

The autoresponder is a computer program that is set to automatically respond to email messages you receive in your mailbox. You can use it for auto-replies to send various notifying or marketing...

Email Alias

Email Alias is an alternative or substitute email address that you can use as additional to your primal email (the address that you’ve created when you’ve made your email account). From the alias...

Email Forwarding

If you want to change your email account or switch email providers you can use email forwarding. For the easier management of all your email messages, you could also check up all your email accounts...


SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It’s the standard protocol for sending emails over the Internet. In order to send and receive messages, you need an email client or web-based mail...


IMAP is an abbreviation for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is a popular alternative to the POP3 protocol. And in contrast to POP3, it is generally suited for online access to email messages....

Newest Articles:

Domain Parking

Domain parking refers to the process of buying a domain name, but still not using it – the period before the website is uploaded or after the domain expired and the website’s been deleted and there’s no content on that address, only one blank or a placeholder page....

Domain WHOIS

WHOIS is an international database that contains information about every registered domain name. The WHOIS data is required by the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) that coordinates all IP addresses and Top Level Domains globally. The domain...

Registrar Lock

One of the most important issues you should deal with when you launch your website is security and reliability. It’s recommended that you have different passwords for all your accounts and use anti-spam and anti-virus software for your domains and email. You could...


EPP Key stands for Extensible Provisioning Protocol which is a code consisting of numbers. It’s required in order to transfer a domain from one registrar to another. The EPP Code is also known as the Authorization Code or Transfer Secret Key. The EPP key is created by...

Domain Transfer

The domain name transfer is the process of moving your domain name from one domain registrar to another. It is usually a free and easy process and your domain doesn’t have to change in any way, you simply switch the registrars. However, some registrars might have fees...

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