Adding a favicon to your site is a great way to improve user experience and add a kick to your branding strategies. Favicons are very useful for contemporary websites for a number of reasons, and...
Hosting Encyclopedia
How to Browse, Install and Apply a WordPress Theme?
Choosing and applying a theme is a fun and straightforward process. Read how to do so in the next paragraphs and take your first steps in the customization of your web pages. How to Browse,...
How to Assign WordPress Roles?
When inviting other people to work with you on your website, you do this by assigning them roles. Each user is granted a role that gives them certain access to different WordPress functions....
What is a WordPress Theme?
Themes are a fundamental component of WordPress and for many are one of the most exciting features. Themes allow you to change the layout of your website and thus change the aesthetics in a way you...
How to Customize Your WordPress Widgets
The WordPress widgets add new layers of customization to your WordPress website and contribute to beautiful and functional design, along with improved user experience. I n this article, you will...
How to Use the WordPress Widgets on Your Site
WordPress offers pre-built sets of widgets especially designed to complement each individual WordPress theme, and custom ones that you can always download, should your preferred theme supports them....
How to Delete WordPress Plugins?
We already talked about what is a WordPress plugin, how to install one, and how to update your plugins. Now, it is time to read how to delete your plugins. Sometimes a given plugin might well not be...
Newest Articles:
How to Create a WordPress HTML Sitemap
HTML sitemaps are very useful for your site visitors, as they provide a visual representation of all your pages and content. They also provide quick and easy access to all of this content. In the following sections, you will read how to create an HTML sitemap with...
How to Change Your WordPress Password
One of the most fundamental ways to enhance security is to change your WordPress password regularly. In the next paragraphs, you will read how to change your WordPress password via two identically effective methods - via the WordPress Admin Panel and via the Recover...
How to Fix 503 Service Unavailable Error in WordPress
The 503 issues can occur for tons of reasons, the most prevalent of which are: The server might be overloaded with requests. The server is shut down for technical maintenance. The server is temporarily down for some other reason. Similar to the HTTP Error 500, ...
How to Fix Error 404 in WordPress
Fixing technical errors such as 404 Page Not Found is very important for your online presence, as it helps you maintain your search result positions high and also improve your user experience. The process of searching for and fixing 404 errors is not that hard at all...
How to Add External Link to the WordPress Menu
Along with adding links that lead to different pages of your website, the menus can also point to external content. Here is how to do that. How to Add External Link to the WordPress Menu First, enter your admin dashboard and go to Appearance->Menus: ...